Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Global Warming and Coral Reefs

     Year round you can find me in the south florida waters snorkeling and spearfishing at all hours of the day.  Coral reefs line the shores of south florida from orlando all the way to the tip of the keys.  Coral reefs are a magnificent beauty when seen in person.  All the fish going about their day, the coral glistening in the water and the anemones swaying back and fourth.
     What many people don't know is that year after year our Coarl Reefs are depleting due to global warming.  Year after year the reefs loose color and become smaller.  Fish are dying out and some reefs are becoming lifeless.  In a single year 16 percent of all reefs were wiped out.  Due to "Bleaching", which is when a coral expels the colorful algae inside, coral is loosing its color and becoming less inhabited by fish.
     As a nation we need to come together and stop harming our earth with global warming.  Many changes are small but in future generations to come their could be no reefs left.  I hope that people will go "Green" and use more ecofriendly tools just to help save our few coral reefs that are left and all the colorful interesting fish that inhabitant them.